• Participating Clubs
      1 - 6 of 11
    • Field Status


      Closed/Pending Fields:

      Click for more info

      As of 12:56 PM ET
      Friday, March 14, 2025

    • Club Reps
      Club Rep. Information -   
      CASA -  Jessica Pierson, jessica.k.pierson@gmail.com
      EDSC - Chris Midkiff, eastduplinsoccerclub@gmail.com
      HYSA - John Barnes,  hysapresident1@gmail.com
      JASA - Bill Mills, jasavp@gmail.com
      PGSC - Crystal Sullivan, crystal.pgsc@gmail.com
      RSC - Debbie Marshburn, debbie.marshburn@charter.net  
      SSA - Brandon Babb, ssa.vicepres@gmail.com
      SSC - Lisa King, summersillsoccerclub@gmail.com
      SSL - Dennis Felipe, dor@ssl-nc.com
      SWSC - Allen Whaley  awhaley@tricorpinsurance.com
      All communication from Club Teams to ECSA must come through Club Rep.
    • Scheduling/ Scores
      PLEASE VERIFY SCHEDULE EVERY FRIDAY EVENING TO CONFIRM TIME AND LOCATION. Schedule is subject to change based upon logistical requirements to support the events.  It is the responsibility of the Coach or Team Official to ensure the scores are updated on this website.  Please contact your club rep for access.  If you are unable to input scores, contact your club rep ASAP.  
      Per ECSA Policy,our System will only show a 7 goal difference on game scores to discourage 'running the score' on teams. Do not ask to have your true score posted. Ranking is done by Win/Loss and Head-to Head, goals scored is not used to determine standings.


      Score Updates:
      Team and/or Club Officials are responsible for updating scores. Team Staff that want access to update scores need to go through their local club.  Team Staff must have a background check for access.  This is completed by your local club.  
      Do not request access by clicking the email button in the top left corner as you will not receive a response.
      Match Report: 
      The match report is available under the Documents Menu.  Each team will need one for every match.  
      Retain your signed match report to resolve any differences in the scores reported.  It is each team's responsibility to ensure they are correct!   
    • Parent Code of Conduct
      ECSA will not tolerate behavior which brings clubs, teams, or games into disrepute.  ECSA believes that the attitude shown by parents toward the coaches, the referees, fellow parents, the opposing players are of paramount importance.   Parents must remember at all times they are role models and will be held accountable for their actions. Sanctions can include suspenion of attending game, monatary fines, or bans on ECSA events.  For examples of possible sanction, please refer to the chart under the Documents tab above.
    • Coaches Passes
      ALL COACHES MUST VISIBLY WEAR AN NCYSA ID AT ALL TIMES  in the bench area at all ECSA scheduled matches. Failure to do so will result in their removal from the bench area. If no coach is available with an NCYSA ID, the team will forfeit their game.   
    • ECSA Weather Policy
      RAIN is an acceptable playing condition! 
      NCYSA Policy for Lightning.  If you see lightning or hear thunder, clear the field. Play will be halted for a minimum of 30 minutes. If no lightning is spotted during the 30 minutes and/or no thunder is heard during the 30 minutes, play will resume. If lightning is seen and/or thunder is heard during the 30 minute period, the clock starts over. No play will resume until a minimum of 30 minutes passes with no thunder and/or no lightning
    • Complex Pet Policy


      (Except Service & Handicapped) at the following fields:  
      Piney Green,
      Rotary Park,
      Ft. Benjamin,
      Western Park, 
      Woodlands Park,
      and Dixon.
    • Mobile App
      Download the SincSports tournament mobile app now for the latest schedules, scores, and directions.
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