


      Men's Elite (8v8)



      Men's Intermediate (8v8)



      Coed Open (8v8)



      Coed Over 30's (8v8)



      Women's (7v7)



      Free Agent Registration





      Each team guaranteed at least 3 games

      30 minute games

      No offsides, no slide tackling

      Group stage games on Saturday, playoffs on Sunday


      June 22nd - 23rd


    • Rules and Regulations

      You can read our tournament rules and guildines HERE

    • FAQ's

      What's the prize for winning your division?

      Cash prizes are based off the number of registered teams for each division. Most divisions are $150/team, so if 10 teams register, the cash prize would be $1,500!

      What's included in the registration price?

      Your price of registration includes your team fee, any fees associated with parking, t shirts, and tickets to the One Knox SC game on June 22nd against Greenville Triumph for your whole team

      Field Information

      Collective Cup 2024 will be hosted by the amazing Emerald Youth Foundation. We will be utilizing the following fields:

      Sansom Sports Complex - 234 Dale Ave

      Lonsdale Ministry Complex - 1740 Texas Ave

      Have further questions about the event? Please contact our tournament director simeon@oneknoxsc.com