Primary Scoring Rules

Points for win
Points for tie
Points for forfeit win
Points for PK win

Additional Scoring

If more than 2 teams are tied, we will break the tie with the next tie breaker and then go back to head to head

Tie Breaker Rules

Head to Head

Tie Breaker #1

Head to Head

Net Goal Differential

Tie Breaker #2

Points for Goal Differential: up to 3 per game

Least Goals Allowed

Tie Breaker #3

Fewest goals allowed

Goals For (maximum of three per game)

Tie Breaker #4

Most goals scored up to 3

Most Shutouts

Tie Breaker #5

Most shutouts

Penalty Shootout-kicks from the mark

Tie Breaker #6

F F F GCSC 2018