Results for 2016
Past 24 Hours
Past 3 Days
Past Week
Past 10 Days
Click any team name to see the full schedule for that team.
For further information on the standings, contact the tournment director
| Semi-Finals | Final | Champion | |
| TSC 2017G Select - 3 | TSC 2017G Select - 7 | TSC 2017G Select | |
| 4/3/2016 8:00 AM #176 - RSSC 08 | |
| 4/3/2016 1:00 PM #179 - RSSC 10 | |
| Murfreesboro 98 Lady Strikers Premier - 1 | |
| WHSC Xtreme 98 - 2 | |
| 4/3/2016 8:00 AM #177 - RSSC 12 | |
| WHSC Xtreme 98 - 2 | |
| KUSA Velocity - 1 | |
| Consolation | |
| CFFC Lady 99 - 0 | |
| 4/3/2016 12:00 PM #178 - RSSC 05 | |
| |
| Lady Arsenal 98' - 0 | |
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Screen to display standings which can be displayed on a large monitor for teams
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Group Display
Division Menu
Division Note
Do NOT set the MAX score Differential unless you want to BLOCK entry of scores that are higher
(e.g. if you set the Max to 4, a 9-1 game will be recorded as 5-1. This is not that same as
setting tiebreakers in the scoring rules).
Max Score Differential
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Post Scores
Scoring Rules
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Under 18 Girls White