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Katie Olson

Just a quick note, we are the HOME team again today. (orange shirt)  See you soon!
Katie Olson - Great job today team! Way to go pulling out a win today!
Anthony Navia

I checked the CASL website and it shows that all fields in APEX are closed.
I'm crossing my fingers for Sunday's game.
Coach Anthony Navia
Katie Olson

although casl hasn't officially cancelled yet, coach has Cancelled practice for tonight.
Styles Mcclain - Is there practice tonight, 3/26
Katie Olson

Hi Team, they have rescheduled our missed game from last weekend to Saturday, March 28 at 2pm.  Please check our website home page regularly for the updated schedule.
Anthony Navia - Last Sunday's game (from 3/15/15) will still take place in Apex.
Riley Whitsit - Hi Katie- Riley and Ryan will not be at the make up game. We dont' get back from Spring Break until later that day. Sorry
Jared Forbes - Sorry….see it's at 2:00….
Jared Forbes - Do we know where this make-up game will be? In Apex or CASL? Thanks! And time…..
Taylor Madormo - Count AJ in
- Spring break for us- josh will be out of town- sorry to miss
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